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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is this HoHo Parade different from the one that I saw as a kid?

    • In the fall of 2013 the original HoHo Parade arranged by the city Police and Fire Department was cancelled by the city of San Bernardino government.  A group of citizens organized a parade comprised of decorated classic cars in 6 weeks and The Community HoHo Parade was born.  

  • Why doesn't the Community HoHo Parade throw candy like the old parade did? 

    • The San Bernardino Police Department requires us not to throw candy (or anything else) because it's a safety issue.  This is for the safety of our fans watching the parade and our drivers in the parade.  To mitigate this disappointment, we have Santa Claus available before the start of each parade at the starting point and at the end point after the parade arrives for kids to see Santa and get a candy cane (our Party Partners also provide fee hot cocoa & cookies).

  • Why can't I show up at the start point for the parade and ride in the parade?

    • The Community HoHo Parade is considered a "Car Rally" by the San Bernardino Police Department and therefore must follow all CA Vehicle Codes.  Riders can ride only in seat belted seat, not in the bed of pickup trucks or on flat bed trucks.  Also, we're only allowed 35 cars per night.  Due to this seating is limited and already arranged prior to the start of the parade.   Also, all those beautiful cars are driven by their owners.  

  • The old HoHo Parade came past my house for years. The Community HoHo Parade doesn't. Why?

    • The Community HoHo Parade has been asked by the San Bernardino Police Department to stay off major thoroughfares due to traffic congestion (we go about 7 mph) and safety reasons.  That makes plotting our routes through the city challenging to get to some areas, also we're trying to go past city parks and local churches so people have a safe viewing area if we're not going past their house, and we've got costly classic cars that need a flat road in good condition.  If we don't come by your house come to one of the before or after parade parties OR a park/church along our route! 

  • Who is in charge of planning The Community HoHo Parade?  Where do the funds come from to run the parades?

    • The Community HoHo Parade is brought to you by a group of volunteers.  There are no paid staff.  We don't solicit government funds, we exist solely on sponsorships.  The car owners/drivers pay for their own gas and donate their time.  The before and after parties are hosted by community organizations that find the supplies and goodies through partnerships and sponorships as well.  We partner with the City of San Bernardino utilizing city park locations for some of our events.


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